American Legion Park to recieve TP&W Grant

A Message from the Mayor

87 Mayor David Chadwick Mayor David Chadwick

Greetings and welcome to the City of Center’s website. This website is designed to provide residents and visitors as much information as possible on the City of Center.  We hope that you find this information helpful and useful.

Center is a Home Rule City that provides a full range of services to its residents and visitors.  Our services include public safety, water and sewer utilities, solid waste programs, recreational programs, and an active parks department.  In fact, for a city of about 6,000 people, Center has much going for it and is one of the most progressive cities in East Texas.  It is this entrepreneurial and progressive stance that is...

I love Center Because...

  • My Daddy was born there! & my Grandfather was the county doctor back in the day : )

  • i have always lived in Center it is home to me

  • Scenery and its great Southern Hospitality and am pround my family came from center im originally from Dallas but am glad my Grandfather...

  • I was born and raised there nothing like home I'll be laid to rest there KDJ

© City of Center  |  City Hall 617 Tenaha Street Center, TX 75935-3552  |  Phone: (936) 598-2941