City Records
Pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act and the Freedom of Information Act, the Center City Council has designated the City Secretary to serve as the Records Management Officer. The City Secretary ensures that all records in the possession of and pertaining to the operation of the City of Center are available to the public through a systematic and centralized process.
The Texas Public Information Act was created as a mechanism for the public to request certain documents and information from the local government. The City of Center desires to fully comply with all aspects of the law in order to have a transparent government that the people can trust and rely on.
Any individual wishing to review documents at City Hall are required to complete a Public Information Request. The City has 10 days to request a determination from the Texas Attorney General whether or not the documents are protected. All requests for information must be in writing and can be dropped off, emailed or faxed to City Hall at 936-598-2615. It is the City’s policy to provide information as quickly as possible.