Welcome to the City of Center's on-line job application page. Please answer each question to the best of your memory.
The City of Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
By submitting this electronic job application, you affirm that the facts set forth in the application for employment are true, correct and complete to the best of your knowledge. You understand that you may be required to submit additional information not requested on this application; that the City of Center may verify any information provided in the employment process; and that incomplete information or omission of information is a just cause for rejection of the application.
You understand and agree that, if hired, your employment would be contingent upon conditions specific to the position for which you are applying. You also understand that any omission of information or erroneous information provided in any part of the employment process would be sufficient cause for discharge.
Attachment | Size |
TCOLE-personal-history-statement.pdf | 11.85 MB |
Job Applications.pdf | 1.62 MB |