Welcome to the City of Center's on-line job application page. Please answer each question to the best of your memory.
The City of Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
By submitting this electronic job application, you affirm that the facts set forth in the application for employment are true, correct and complete to the best of your knowledge. You understand that you may be required to submit additional information not requested on this application; that the City of Center may verify any information provided in the employment process; and that incomplete information or omission of information is a just cause for rejection of the application.

You understand and agree that, if hired, your employment would be contingent upon conditions specific to the position for which you are applying. You also understand that any omission of information or erroneous information provided in any part of the employment process would be sufficient cause for discharge.

Information regarding conviction record will not necessarily bar an applicant from employment; individual circumstances will be considered relative to the job sought.
Provide the name of the educational institution, location, dates attended, and diploma or certificate earned.
Provide the name of the educational institution, location, dates attended, and degree earned, if applicable.
Provide the name of the educational institution, location, dates attended, and degree or certificate earned.
Provide the name of the educational institution, location, dates attended, and diploma,degree or certificate earned.
Work Experience
List your last three employers or last three positions, starting with the most recent.
Include supervisors and persons we may contact to verify your performance and qualifications

If you are selected as a final applicant for employment, you will be given a copy of the Substance Abuse Policy to read and must sign a release acknowledging you have read it and agree to the testing. The City will bear the costs of testing.

I hereby acknowledge I have read the above statement and understand if I am considered for final hiring I will be required to abide by this statement.

If you are applying for a position at the police department, please download the TCOLE personal history form below.  Fill the form out completely, with signature, and submit Diana Hernandez, Human Resources Manager,  at City Hall.

By clicking 'Submit' you cannot make any changes to your employment application

TCOLE-personal-history-statement.pdf11.85 MB
Job Applications.pdf1.62 MB

© City of Center  |  City Hall 617 Tenaha Street Center, TX 75935-3552  |  Phone: (936) 598-2941