Court Options


A plea of not guilty may be mailed to the court. The court will schedule the case for a pre-trial hearing and notify you of the court date and time. You and your attorney must be present at the time of the pre-trial hearing.  You may request a trial by judge only or a trial by jury.

You may plead guilty or no contest. If you do you may be eligible for one of the following programs that will keep a conviction off of your record:

A. Driving Safety Course 
·  Must request within 10 days of the citation
·  TX driver’s license*   *Not required for active duty military
·   Insurance in your name
·   Must not have taken course in previous 12 months
·   Not  for speeding over 25 mph over posted limit and/or certain other violations
·   CDL holders are not eligible to take the driving safety course.                                          

B. Discretionary Driving Safety Course
Includes the same requirements as above except that you have not taken a driving safety course within the past 12 months or that you have missed the due date to request a driving safety course.

C. Probation (Deferred Disposition)
Available for:
Seat Belt Offenses
Insurance Offenses
Speeding in a School Zone
Other Traffic Offenses and all city ordinances

Probation Fees are subject to recommendation by city prosecutor and approval by judge.

The following court options will NOTkeep a conviction off of your record:

D. Pay fine
Pay all fines, fees, and court costs at the time of entering your plea.

If you are unable to pay all fines, costs and fees at once, the court may allow you to make installment payments.

Mandatory Dismissals:
Under the following circumstances you may be entitled to have your citation dismissed:

A. Liability Insurance
If you are cited for Failure to Present Proof of Insurance, the citation will be dismissed if you present proof that you had valid insurance at the time you were cited.

B. Drivers License
If you are cited for Failure to have and Produce a driver's license, the citation will be dismissed if you present proof that you had a valid driver's license on the date of and at the time of the offense.

C. Expired Driver's License, Registration, or Inspection
If you are cited for an expired driver's license, registration, or inspection sticker, the citation will be dismissed if you renew the expired item within 20 days of the date of the citation, pay any county penalty fees, and pay a $20.00 administrative dismissal fee for registrations and inspections.

© City of Center  |  City Hall 617 Tenaha Street Center, TX 75935-3552  |  Phone: (936) 598-2941